OMG!!! You made it ... we are so glad you are here! This space is designed for you. While you're here, we hope you will find some resources to use when you are tired, or angry, or sad, or even when you are feeling fine and just need some encouragement!
This virtual space doesn't take the place of talking to someone in person - or going to therapy. It is a way for your to build your own tool kit of things that can help you cope.
This space is designed for Black youth (ages 14-25). If you are a non-Black youth, no problem ... we hope you enjoy our space! If you are not a youth, that's ok too ... maybe you'll find some ideas you can share with youth in your own community. If you are a Black owned organization, or you are an organization of color, serving Black youth feel free to use and share the content widely. If you are an institution or white-led organization please send us an email for donation information & permission to use the content.